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Bogey Hole Dreaming_edited.jpg

Newcastle Art

Paintings Inspired by Newcastle, it's beaches and coastline and the People who enjoy it

Many people I've met just lately have told me how they've recently returned to live in Newcastle after years of living away. This is my story too, I returned around ten years ago to be closer to family, after having lived interstate and overseas for many years. Since returning I've enjoyed seeing once familiar places through new eyes.

I especially love walking with my easel and paints, to stand on a headland or beach somewhere and paint outdoors en plein air. I use these small painting studies as references for my larger works.

Painting outdoors has its own unique challenges, getting buffeted by the wind burnt by the sun and racing the rapidly changing light while dodging the tides and biting insects doesn't sound like most peoples idea of fun, but believe me there is nothing quite like it for capturing the essence of a place or a moment in time.

I hope you enjoy this collection of recent paintings inspired by the beautiful Newcastle region and the those who enjoy it.

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